Are Hummingbirds Friendly To Humans?

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I remember my first time seeing a hummingbird. I looked out my window onto my porch, and I saw something fluttering between the honeysuckle plants. At first, I thought it was my dragonfly visitors until my eye caught a little head between those fast-flapping wings!

It was a hummingbird!

All I wanted to do was just scoop him up and kiss its tiny head. But then I asked myself, “Are hummingbirds friendly to humans?”

Are Hummingbirds Friendly to Humans?

Hummingbirds are known to be attracted to humans and fly up to them out of curiosity. They can fly right up to your face when you least expect it and totally surprise you! They are also known to alert humans when their feeders are empty or their sugar water spoils, they’ll even perch up on your fingers if they’re comfortable enough! So long story short, yes, hummingbirds are friendly to humans and they recognize their human friends pretty well. 

How To Make Friends With Hummingbirds? 

I know you’re aching to know how you can also be friends with hummingbirds. Because let’s face it, how cool would it be to walk around with a sweet little birdie perched up on your finger? Or have one flying and greeting you whenever you walk out to the garden? 

So here are some ways you can have your very own humming-birdie buddy!

Start With Placing A Feeder in Your Backyard

The first step to forming a lifelong friendship with a hummingbird is, fortunately, very simple. Place a feeder in your backyard filled with a sugar-water solution. This is the easiest way to invite a hummingbird into your home and familiarize itself with the place. 

You can get the cutest hummingbird feeders online that are designed to catch the bird’s attention, so snag one and start making friends!

Provide Them With Sugarwater

Fill a bowl or the feed with sugar water. Why sugar water you ask? Well, it’s sweet and tastes like the nectar of flowers. 

Keep The Feeders in A Safe Place

This goes without saying, but you must keep the hummingbird feeders in a safe place. A safe place means away from pets, and children, and in a shady spot. You should also secure the feeder so it doesn’t get knocked down by winds. 

Place Enough Feeders For Minimizing Collision 

You can’t expect to make friends with hummingbirds with just one feeder! Place multiple feeders next to each other, so your tiny birdie buddies can all hang out and get to know your space and you!

Can You Pet The Hummingbirds?

It is illegal to keep hummingbirds as pets. They are wild birds and explore vast areas, so they can’t survive indoors, especially in cages. 

Can You Hold A Hummingbird With Your Hand?

hummingbird on hand

It is okay to hold hummingbirds with your hand if you manage to get one close enough to you. Scoop them gently and slowly graze their bodies, don’t squeeze or smother them. Be extremely gentle and light with your touches.

How To Attract A Hummingbird To Land on Your Finger?

After a few days or weeks of the hummingbirds feeding on your feeders outside, start sitting quietly beside them as they feed. Then as the days go by and they’re comfortable with you sitting there, put out your hand and let them come to you on their own. Remember this won’t happen the first few days or even weeks, so be patient and don’t force any interaction. 

Once you’ve succeeded in having a hummingbird perch up on your finger, sit still. If you must move, do it very slowly to not startle the bird. 

How To Become A Part of Hummingbird Flock?

Once the hummingbirds are okay and comfortable with having you around, you’ll slowly become a part of their hummingbird flock! Remember, this will take a lot of time, patience, and calmness on your part.

These birds can scare easily and are very fragile, the last thing you want is to scare them away and/or hurt them in any way. So maintain your composure and keep trying, it takes some work to be part of the flock but it’ll be worth it!

How do Hummingbirds Express Their Appreciation to Humans?

As mentioned above, hummingbirds will fly over those who are feeding them and remind them to fill up the feeder if the water goes bad. But there are accounts where pairs of hummingbirds will often fly at people’s eye level and flutter their wings so their colorful feathers are more visible.

While this behavior isn’t fully explained, it is considered a way of them saying thank you to the birdwatcher or just those who are feeding them. 


Why Can’t You Keep A Hummingbird As A Pet?

It is against the law to keep hummingbirds as pets. This is mainly because these birds fly across large areas and will not thrive in closed spaces, or cages. 

Are Hummingbirds Curious About People?

Yes! Hummingbirds will fly up to people’s faces or around their heads just because they are curious about them!

What Should I Do If A Hummingbird Gets Close To Me? 

If a hummingbird gets close to you and you want them to be there, don’t make any sudden movements. Stay fairly still to let them feel you out.

Can A Hummingbird Eat Out Of My Hand?

Yes, a hummingbird can definitely eat out of your hand! This will take the bird’s trust in you and your patience, follow the steps above to make friends with hummingbirds and then hand-feed them yourself!


I hope this piece helps you make friends with hummingbirds easily! Remember, these birds are delicate and small, so have patience and be very gentle when you’re building a bond with them. Once you can gain their trust, you’ll truly have the most remarkable friend group of anyone!

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Dylan Green – Author & Birding Expert

Dylan Green​

Dylan Green is our author, birding maestro, and walking encyclopedia of birds. We call him our vigilant hawk, who scans the sky, observes birds, and documents their behavior and characteristics. And above all, he is a magical storyteller. Let us warn you, Dylan has a contagious love of birds, and his thorough guides demonstrate his knowledge of them. You guys are going to love his blog posts.


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