Author: Jason Williams

best suet cakes for birds

Best Suet Cakes For Birds

Just like how you and I need a healthy and nutritious diet to stay fit and strong, we have to look out for our bird

best bridge camera for birding

Best Bridge Camera For Birding

If you’re planning to go bird-watching, you’ll need the right kit. A pair of really good binoculars, a cool hat, and if you haven’t thought

Pileated Woodpecker taking food

How to Attract a Pileated Woodpecker

Pileated Woodpeckers are commonly found in all kinds of forests around the northwestern coast of North American countries. Bird watchers love this particular species because

Cardinals Nest

Where Do Cardinals Nest at Night?

Cardinals are undoubtedly some of the most recognizable birds on the planet. Known for their melodious songs and beautifully unique red feathers, the Cardinal is

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