Bald Eagles: All You Need to Know

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If there’s one bird we would like to see in our lifetime, I’m sure 90% of us would know the name bald eagle. I mean, who can blame us?

With its grand presence, striking, and ferocious look, this bird is truly one of the most magnificent creatures in the animal kingdom.

Even our founding fathers used the bald eagle as their nation’s emblem. But how much do we know about them?

Well, thankfully, I am here to help answer all the curious questions you have been longing to ask.

11 Facts About Bald Eagles

bald eagle

1. The Female is Larger Than the Male

    The female bald eagle is generally bigger than the male. Coming in at around 25% larger, the female’s size helps to protect her nest.

    Any approaching predators may see her and be deterred by her size – this then allows the smaller males to be away from the nest, hunting and finding food for their family. So together, they make quite the power couple.

    2. Bald Eagles Are Believed to Live 30 Years or Longer

      The bald eagle’s lifespan is very impressive. It has been recorded that they live around 20 to 25 years – but in some cases, this has risen to an incredible 30 years old. Wise old birds indeed.

      3. Eagles Feed Primarily on Fish

      bald eagle hunted fish

        The bald eagle is a sucker for our friends with fins. Fish makes up around 80% of a bald eagle’s diet. ‘How in heaven do they possibly catch fish?’ I hear you ask.

        Well, diving from the sky they can reach a speed of hundreds of miles an hour, which means any large fish swimming near the surface are no match for these hunters.

        4. They Can See Four or Five Times Farther Than the Average Person

          How many of us need glasses? And even those who don’t, I doubt, could spot a rabbit from three miles away. Why did I use that example? Well, bald eagles can easily spot a rabbit from three miles away. 

          Their eyesight is so good they can see four to five times farther than any human. Now, that’s something to brag about.

          5. They’re Pretty Good Swimmers

            Those massive wings might make you think the bald eagle is only good for flying. Well, that’s where you’re wrong. Their thick feathers make them very good swimmers, especially if they have caught a particularly heavy fish they need to swim to the shore. There’s no end to this bird’s skill.

            6. Bald Eagles Are One of the Largest Raptors in the World

              Eagles, hawks, kites, falcons, and owls are all considered raptors. Raptor is a term used for birds that hunt other animals for food. Out of all of these, the golden eagle is considered to be one of the largest. It might be smaller than its golden sibling, but the bald eagle is still quite large.

              Our nation’s representative is anywhere from 27 to 40 inches tall, has a whopping wing span of 5.9 to 7.8 feet, and weighs around 6.6 to 15 pounds. That’s one large and heavy bird!

              7. Bald Eagles Can Climb Up to 3000 M (10,000 Ft.) in the Air

                To seek food, or migrate to other areas throughout the seasons, bald eagles certainly need to be good fliers. With wingspans that can reach beyond 90 inches, these mighty birds can climb to a massive 3000m (10’000ft).

                Their height gives them a huge advantage in looking over the land, scanning land and water for food – and in migration seasons, they can easily find the perfect spot to nest from their vantage points. Sounds like a great way to travel, although I wouldn’t want to suffer from vertigo being up that high.

                8. Their Grip Strength is a Crushing 400 psi

                  Despite their beauty, I know I wouldn’t want to be caught in the grip of those talons – which can grow to a frightening 2 inches.

                  Once caught in these, there is no hope of escape; their grip strength comes to a whopping 4000 psi. So any fish or rabbit, or even small bird, that ends up on the menu won’t be able to escape the fierce clutches of the bald eagle. 

                  9. They Make the Biggest Bird Nests

                    Most of the time, I guess, when you find a bird’s nest, it’s no bigger than your two hands cupped together. They’re sweet things made of twigs and small branches. But if you were to find a bald eagle’s nest – well, let’s just say you wouldn’t be able to pick it up.

                    Firstly, bald eagles love to nest in high vantage points—trees or cliffsides. The bald eagle goes for the penthouse sweet.

                    Using much larger branches, a bald eagle’s nest can exceed 8 feet in width, 12 feet in height, and weigh more than 2 tons! It sounds more like a house to me, but with two or three offspring and two large adults, they need the room.

                    10. They Mate for Life

                      For our penultimate fact, let’s look at the romantic side of these birds. Once a male and female bald eagle mate, they are a couple for life. Rarely will they find another partner, even if one of them dies.

                      Working so well together to raise their young, their dedication to each other is one of the strongest in the animal kingdom. There will be no bald eagle divorce lawyers opening offices any time soon.

                      11. They Aren’t Bald

                        I know that our favorite bird is called the bald eagle. Bald might make you think these birds have no hair on their head. If a human is bald, this is generally what it means.

                        But the bald eagle isn’t bald. It’s just that the striking white feathers on its head are a stark contrast to the brown on its body, making it seem bald when they’re not at all.

                        Final Thoughts

                        So there you go! Eleven fascinating facts about one of our favorite birds in the animal kingdom. I know the lion is considered the king a lot of the time – but in terms of the sky, the bald eagle would probably take that crown.

                        Cunning predators, dedicated partners, and mighty in size, these birds (or raptors, if you want to sound clever to your friends) easily earn their status and fame. It’s easy to see why now they have been used as an emblem many times.

                        So now if anyone brings up the subject of these birds, you can show off with all your knowledge. But don’t just stop here; go find out more!

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                        Dylan Green – Author & Birding Expert

                        Dylan Green​

                        Dylan Green is our author, birding maestro, and walking encyclopedia of birds. We call him our vigilant hawk, who scans the sky, observes birds, and documents their behavior and characteristics. And above all, he is a magical storyteller. Let us warn you, Dylan has a contagious love of birds, and his thorough guides demonstrate his knowledge of them. You guys are going to love his blog posts.


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