Best Suet Cakes For Birds

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Just like how you and I need a healthy and nutritious diet to stay fit and strong, we have to look out for our bird friends too. We can’t just feed our birds any old bird seeds or food, they deserve the best just like we do!

That’s why we’ve made a list of the best suet cakes for birds. We included some of the top bird-feed brands in the market that make nutritious and high-quality suet cakes for birds. Read on so you can feed your bird buddies with nothing but the best food!

What Is Suet?

Suet Cakes For Birds

Suet is a hard fat found around the kidneys and loins of sheep and cows. It is a saturated fat that is removed from the meat, cleaned, chopped, and boiled in water to further clean off impurities.

When it cools down, the water and fat separate from each other, and what remains is what we call suet. 

Suet cakes are blocks of suet that birds absolutely love. It is often dubbed as protein bar for birds, as it’s filled with protein, healthy fats, and other essential nutrients.

The good fats in the suet cakes will help the birds develop and strengthen their muscles, maintain their feathers, and help their bodies when breeding and laying eggs. 

Suet cakes are particularly great for birds during the winter season, when food sources are scarce, and birds can use a little fat in their cold bodies.

Birds burn a lot of energy trying to stay warm, and suet cakes help replenish that lost energy quickly. However, suet cakes are not suitable at all to feed birds all year round. 

Suet cakes are a convenient and easy-to-eat food for birds. The cakes are hung in mesh feeders on tree branches, or nailed to the tree and sometimes placed in bird feeders for the birds to come and easily enjoy.

Unlike seeds, suet cakes can be enjoyed by many birds at once, and their rapid fluttering won’t make a mess in your backyard.  

You probably didn’t expect it, but suet cakes are great for promoting their population in your area.

When you put suet cakes out for birds, you’re inviting them in and allowing them to thrive in your locality. Yes, you can do that with regular seed and feed too, but suet cakes are a delicacy.

And especially in those harsher months, most species of birds are going to look for the fatty stuff, even if they don’t normally prefer them in warmer months.

Once the first ones get wind of your delish suet treats, they’ll tell their family and friends, and they’ll all come to enjoy those suet cakes together. 

So now you know, that suet cakes are great for birds. But as I’ve mentioned before, they’re only good for colder weather conditions, feeding birds suet cakes throughout the year is definitely not the best idea.

Best Suet Cakes for Birds

As you might imagine, there are a lot of suet cakes for birds in the market. So many that it’s easy to get confused; that’s why we’ve curated this list by doing a lot of research. We’ve considered everything from quality, and price to brand reputation and ease of access, so you can rest assured that you’re picking a great suet cake for your bird buddies. 

Take a look at our list of the best suet cakes for birds below,

1. C&S Peanut Delight No Melt Suet Dough

Made with high-quality beef fat, cornmeal, and roasted peanuts, this is a feast for birds. The cake is doughy and soft, so birds can peck their pieces right away and enjoy their nutritious suet cake!

C&S Peanut Delight No Melt Suet Dough

What We Like

We love that these don’t leave a waxy or sticky residue on your hands when you touch them, which many suet cakes do. It comes out easily from its package and we love that birds go absolutely nuts for it!

What We Don’t Like

We’ve noticed that the cakes crumble after a few hours. While most suet cakes retain their shape even after the birds have gone haywire on them, this crumbles and creates a dirty mess. 

2. Heath Outdoor Products DD-15 Berry Blast Suet Cake

This one has a sweet berry flavor that smells fresh and enticing for the birds to come flocking!

Heath Outdoor Products DD-15 Berry Blast Suet Cake

What We Like

This is truly a no-melt wonder, holding its shape even on warm days. Birds go cuckoo for the flavor!

What We Don’t Like

While the flavor is popular with most birds, for some it can be too much to handle. Also, it can be a little hard to get out of the packet as we’ve noticed. 

3. Heath Outdoor Products DD4-12 Heath Bird Suet

A no-melt formula that you can count on in every season, that birds are guaranteed to love!

Heath Outdoor Products DD4-12 Heath Bird Suet

What We Like

This is a nice suet cake that not only is a hit with birds, but squirrels go nuts for it too.

What We Don’t Like

It was a little too soft for our liking, which is not ideal as birds don’t know how to go gentle. As it is soft and breaks apart easily after the birds are done with it, it just leaves a hot, sticky mess. 

4. Wildlife Sciences High Energy Suet Cake 10 Pack

This no-nonsense flavor keeps the birds coming! With this easy to open packaging, you’re going to be a hit host with all your avian guests!

Wildlife Sciences High Energy Suet Cake 10 Pack

What We Like

This is particularly popular with woodpeckers, and blue jays love it too! We love that the cakes stay solid even if it’s warm outside. 

What We Don’t Like

The cakes can crumble easily when taken out of the box, so you can try freezing it before serving it up for the birds. But some birds don’t prefer cold cakes, so you’re going to have to put a little work in to keep it solid. 

5. ST. ALBANS BAY SUET PLUS High Energy Suet Cakes

A total feast for your winged buddies, these suet cakes are made to deliver your bird with a burst of energy and nutrition. 

ST. ALBANS BAY SUET PLUS High Energy Suet Cakes

What We Like

This is easy to open and doesn’t create much waste either. The birds love it! We also love that the cakes come in the bag and don’t have those trays where it can get a little gunky and sticky. 

What We Don’t Like 

One pack may not go a long way, and the price might be a little inconvenient.

6. Wildlife Sciences Suet Plus Variety 6 Pack

A solid suet cake that stays put even in warm conditions. You’ll love it cos it’s mess-free, birds will love it cos it tastes good (to them of course!)

Wildlife Sciences Suet Plus Variety 6 Pack

What We Like

They are great and do not crumble when you take them out of the packaging. Birds have known to finish them in minutes, so they must be that great!

What We Don’t Like

The smell might not appeal to everybody. Many birds may also be put off by the smell.

7. C&S Hot Pepper Delight No-Melt Suet Dough 

With a base of cornmeal, peanut, and great beef suet, this suet dough is sure to be an absolute smash hit with your bird buds. 

C&S Hot Pepper Delight No-Melt Suet Dough 

What We Like

It doesn’t melt like the claim, and it’s also so popular with the birds, and that’s all that matters!

What We Don’t Like

It can be a little dry, which can be a choking hazard for birds.

8. Suet Songbird Very Berry Cake, 16 Pack

Very berry is right! The natural berry flavoring makes it a success with the birds and keeps them coming. Yes it says songbird in the name, but the very berry cake is made to be an instant hit with all birds. 

Suet Songbird Very Berry Cake, 16 Pack

What We Like

We like that these are a little thinner than most suet cakes which makes it easy to break apart if you want to. It’s easy to take out from the package, and doesn’t leave any residue behind. And the birds absolutely love it!

What We Don’t Like

While the thinness can be an advantage, they can also be a disadvantage. As they’re wider and may not fit in the feeders properly. Also, for how thin it is, it is also crumbly, so if it’s a tad soft, it’ll fall apart easily. 

9. Kaytee Suet & Seed High Energy Suet 

This suet and seed combo means the birds in your block are going to have a blast! 

Kaytee Suet & Seed High Energy Suet

What We Like

The birds go absolutely berserk for this suet and finish the cake in minutes. That’s what makes the somewhat pricey tag worth it! 

What We Don’t Like

While the tray helps, the cake itself can be soft and sticky to make it hard for you to take it out of the packaging. It can also be a little expensive, compared to store bought bird seed and feed.

10. Woodpecker Suet Cake 10 Pack for Wild Birds

With premium quality suet, pecan pieces and cracked corn, this suet cake encompasses all the best flavors to keep those birds glued to your home!

Woodpecker Suet Cake 10 Pack for Wild Birds

What We Like

We like that they come out solid and stay solid as the birds peck and nibble at it. They last long, are not dry or crumbly and stay fresh for the birds to enjoy for a while!

What We Don’t Like

The smell can be a little intense, so try out with a small piece at first to see if the birds cozy up to the strong scent. 

What To Consider When Purchasing Suet Cakes For Birds?

Now that you’ve had your chance to go through the best suet cakes for your birds, you need to consider a few factors when you’re buying suet cakes. Below we have them listed out for you to go over before you splurge on suet meals for your bird friends, 

1. Suet Flavor

You might have rolled your eyes at this, but hear us out. Suet flavor is obviously for the bird, and don’t worry, you don’t have to sneak a taste of it to determine if the flavor is right for the bird either.

You want to go for a flavor that attracts a variety of bird species to attract to your feeder or yard. Go for common flavors like peanut, berry, insect/mealworm or different seed blends. 

You also want to go for blends that don’t have any additives, preservatives or artificial flavorings. They can be toxic to the birds and make them sick. 

2. Feeder Types

Make sure that the suet cakes you buy are a good fit for the bird feeder in your home. Some cakes are designed for specific feeder styles, like hanging mesh feeders or suet cages.

Also, make sure the feeders are wide enough to place suet cakes inside, as some cakes are wider than others. If the feeder is too small, you’re going to have to break the suet cake trying to fit it in the feeder, leaving crumbs and cake bits everywhere. 

3. Feeding Months

When buying suet cakes for birds, consider the months when they’re most needed, mainly during the winter months and breeding seasons.

As we’ve discussed before, suet cakes are best for birds during colder periods, when they can’t find a lot of food naturally, are breeding, or are about to lay eggs. Suet cakes are great, high-energy snacks for birds that are going to help them restore their energy reserves. 

4. Amount Of Suet Needed

To determine the right amount of suet needed for your bird-squad, you need to gauge the number of birds that come visit you and also take note of their feeding times.

If your backyard is a hot-spot for bird activity, then you’ll need a large feeder obviously. Suet cakes with the least amount of fillers are going to be your best bet for the birds, and high-quality cakes will be able to hold under any weather conditions and won’t crumble easily.

5. Maintenance

Suet cakes with high quality ingredients will provide the right nutrition and energy for birds. Look for suet cakes that are easy to handle, hang on branches and place inside bird feeders.

Choose suet cakes with packaging designed to resist damage and preserve their shape and freshness. Suet cakes that are easy to clean and make minimal waste are going to be your and your bird-gang’s best friends!

What Is Better- Suet or Birdseed?

The debate between which is better, suet for bird seeds, depends on the specific bird species and the feeding purpose. Let’s take a look at the difference between suet and birdseed,

  • Suet is made with rendered cow or sheep fat, and mixed with seeds, nuts and other bird-loving ingredients. It is an amazing source of calories and nutrients for birds, especially during the breeding seasons and colder months. Also, many birds may not like to snack on suet, so it could be an acquired taste among the elite bird-group. For the rest of the year though, suet can be excessive for birds and that much saturated fat is not healthy for eating all year-round. 

Also, suet can be messy depending on how you handle it and the quality of the cake, they can be crumbly and break all over the place. Suet can also be expensive depending on where you buy from, usually online is more pricey than stores.

  • On the other hand, bird seeds come in a lot of different mixes. Bird Seeds are better for birds as regular feeding, and most birds prefer bird seeds over suet. Bird seeds are also a lot less expensive and less messy than suet or suet cakes.

So, based on these differences, it’s clear that bird seeds are a better and safer option for birds. But ultimately, it depends on bird enthusiast’s preferences and accessibility. 


Which Suet Cakes Do Birds Like Best?

Birds like suet cakes that have a mix of high-energy ingredients like seeds, nuts, dried fruits and also, insect larvae, to attract insect eating birds.

Is Too Much Suet Bad For Birds?

Yes. Suet cakes are high in saturated fats and can be clogging for their small organs and bodies if they eat too much of it. Feeding in moderation is the best way to make sure the birds are getting their essential nutrients. 

Why Won’t Birds Eat My Suet?

Birds may not eat your suet for many reasons, they probably have their usual foods available, the suet is spoiled or damaged, or simply because they don’t like suet cakes. 

Do Suet Cakes Go Rancid?

Yes. Leaving suet cakes out in the sun, in hot and damp conditions will cause it to spoil or go rancid.

Do Suet Cakes Melt?

Yes. If the cakes are too soft, they’ll melt easily in the warm weather or when exposed to the sun. 

Should Suet Cakes for Birds be Refrigerated?

Yes, you can freeze suet cakes, but make sure you don’t freeze them for too long as it can become very tough for the birds to get into. 

Is Hot Pepper Suet Safe for Birds?

Yes, hot pepper suet is generally safe for birds. Birds are tolerant and insensitive to spice, so hot pepper suet is a good treat for them.

Can You Make Your Own Suet?

Yes, you can make your own suet. Melt rendered fat and mix other ingredients like cornmeal, seeds, nuts and dried fruits to create your own suet to feed birds. 


Your guide to everything about the best suet cakes for birds has come to an end. We hope you enjoyed reading and found it helpful enough to consider giving your bird friends a little suet treat every now and then during the winter. Trust us when we say you’re going to become their most favorite host in your bird-block with all this suet-cake knowledge!

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Dylan Green – Author & Birding Expert

Dylan Green​

Dylan Green is our author, birding maestro, and walking encyclopedia of birds. We call him our vigilant hawk, who scans the sky, observes birds, and documents their behavior and characteristics. And above all, he is a magical storyteller. Let us warn you, Dylan has a contagious love of birds, and his thorough guides demonstrate his knowledge of them. You guys are going to love his blog posts.


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