Category: woodpecker

downy vs hairy woodpecker

Downy vs Hairy Woodpecker

Describing a woodpecker as white, black, and red might lead you to think of either the downy or the hairy woodpecker.  This is where the

Pileated Woodpecker taking food

How to Attract a Pileated Woodpecker

Pileated Woodpeckers are commonly found in all kinds of forests around the northwestern coast of North American countries. Bird watchers love this particular species because

woodpeckers in south carolina

9 Common Woodpeckers In South Carolina

Woodpeckers are a common sight in South Carolina. There are many common species, like the downy woodpecker and pileated woodpecker. By the way, pileated woodpeckers

do woodpeckers mate for life

Do Woodpeckers Mate for Life or Not?

Have you ever watched the Woody Woodpecker Show? You know, this little hyperactive and clever red-headed bird cartoon character is an utter nostalgia for me.

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