Do Hawks Eat Groundhogs?

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If you know anything about hawk’s diet, you know they eat anything that they can swoosh down and pick up in their powerful talons. Rats, birds, lizards, frogs, small fishes, and anything that’s basically small enough for them to devour are their appetite pleasers.

They’re even known to come and try snatching up small dogs and cats!  Something that makes me wonder though, with all the talk of small animals, how did raccoons, and groundhogs fare? Do hawks eat groundhogs? There’s only one way to find out!

Why Do Hawks Eat Groundhogs?

Hawk sitting in a field

First things first, do hawks eat groundhogs? Yes, hawks do eat groundhogs. Although an occasional meal choice, hawks put up quite the hunt for one when there’s an opportunity. So you know, that they’re not an everyday feast. 

Now let’s find out why hawks eat groundhogs. Hawks eat groundhogs because there are not many rats, frogs, or lizards, roaming about. Groundhogs are furry animals and trying to pick them up, rip into them and digest their meat can be overwhelming for the hawk, which is why they’re not commonly hunted by hawks. But when push comes to shove, hawks will do whatever it takes to satisfy their hunger.

What Type Of Hawk Eats Groundhogs?

All types of hawks can eat groundhogs, but there’s one type that is particularly seen to feast on groundhogs more than others. Cooper’s hawks are often seen scouring through the forests and fields, hunting and sinking their talons into woodland creatures like groundhogs. 

It’s not just acquired taste that has Cooper’s hawks enjoying groundhogs more than its relatives, it’s how they’re built that makes them convenient for hunting groundhogs. Thanks to their long legs and sharp talons, they can clutch their prey better and deliver an instantaneous killer stab. 

Do Hawks Hunt Groundhogs?


Hawks love to put up a good hunting sport for anything they want to make their meals. So yes, hawks do hunt groundhogs. As usual, they’ll perch high up on the trees, scanning the area with their excellent vision, and once spotted, they’ll swiftly swoop down at 120 mph and pick up the animal, without giving them the time to even try to get away.  

Hawks are solitary hunters, but if the prey is large enough, they’ll hunt in groups. A group of hawks is called a kettle, boil, or cast. 

Can Hawks Pick Up Groundhogs?

Yes and no. Groundhogs can be many sizes, and hawks will prefer ones that are small enough to pick up in their talons and fly away. Larger groundhogs make it difficult for hawks to pick up, but if they’re hunting on the ground, they can push those groundhogs down and choke or stab them to death. 

Also, groundhogs are night creatures, while hawks will mostly hunt in the daytime. This is another reason why hawks won’t hunt groundhogs until it’s absolutely necessary.

Do Hawks Eat Dead Groundhogs?

Hawks are birds of prey but they also eat carrion (dead animals). So if they come across a dead groundhog on their flight, they’ll definitely come and feast on the corpse. Hawks are fast eaters, and that body, flesh, and bones will disappear in minutes. 

Hawks will often find dead groundhogs on the side of the roads because they’re often run over by cars. So peel your eyes when you spot a dead hog while driving, there’s a good chance a hawk is nearby or circling overhead. Watch this beast of nature just tear away at it with its powerful talons. 


We’ve reached the end of journeying down hawk’s diet of groundhogs. Hawks are predatory and opportunistic hunters. Their hunting skills sometimes put beasts such as lions and tigers to shame.

From small animals like rats and frogs to ambitious attempts at even small cats or dogs, hawks will eat anything they can sink their strong claws into. And that sometimes includes groundhogs too!


I Want To Lure A Hawk In My Backyard To Get Rid Of The Groundhogs, How Can I Do It?

Before you try to get a hawk to come into your home, remember it is a bird of prey. So if you have small pets like cats or dogs, it’s best if you just call animal control to take care of the groundhog population.

How Can I Take Care Of A Hawk Baby?

If you happen to find a baby hawk, scoop it up in a soft cloth or towel and keep it in a well-ventilated place. Provide the baby with water and small pieces of meat. Don’t give them dairy or carbs because even baby hawks are carnivores. Call a bird rescue shelter or veterinarian clinic for further advice on what to do with the baby hawk, which is called an eyas.

How Do Hawks Build Their Nest?

Hawks will build their nests with twigs, bark and small sticks in a tall tree. They’ll build the nest with a good lookout so they can keep an eye at any potential predators like ravens or owls. They’ll also build the nest high up, so they can scan the area for prey while tending to their youngins. A hawk’s nest is called eyries. 

How Often Do Hawks Lay Eggs?

Hawks will lay eggs every 2 or 3 days and will keep laying until their clutch is complete. They will incubate right after laying one egg, preparing for future eggs. It takes anywhere from 28 to 32 days for the eggs to get all ready to hatch.

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Dylan Green – Author & Birding Expert

Dylan Green​

Dylan Green is our author, birding maestro, and walking encyclopedia of birds. We call him our vigilant hawk, who scans the sky, observes birds, and documents their behavior and characteristics. And above all, he is a magical storyteller. Let us warn you, Dylan has a contagious love of birds, and his thorough guides demonstrate his knowledge of them. You guys are going to love his blog posts.


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