Do Hawks Eat Vegetables?

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Hawks are carnivores; we know that much. So are dogs, but every now and then, you chuck them a baby carrot, and they’ll munch on it like there’s no tomorrow.

Then what about the Hawks? That means they must like it too! When push comes to shove, and there isn’t much prey or carrion around? What about then? So let’s crack a little further into this fascinating question, Do hawks eat vegetables?

Do Hawks Eat Vegetables?

Hawk sitting on tree

To answer the burning question, no, hawks do not eat vegetables. They’re not the biggest fans of veggies (that makes two of us) and won’t come scurrying when you present a spread of berries and lettuce. Not even when you make it all nice. You won’t make them touch it with a ten-foot pole.

But why not? Why don’t hawks like veggies even when it’s (allegedly) filled with good nutrients and vitamins? It has more to do with their physiological makeup, than their appetite for greens. Hawks have a complex digestive system which makes it difficult for them to absorb veggies and fruits.

Their metabolic rates are also off the charts, meaning they need to eat a lot to keep up with the energy they need to be hawking around. And veggies are not going to suffice for that crazy metabolism! Oh to be a hawk!

What Can I Feed A Wild Hawk?

If you stumble upon a hawk in the wild or a wild hawk in your vicinity, you’ll probably want to feed them. So what can you, or should you feed a wild hawk? 

If you want to feed a wild hawk, your best bet is to stick to their usual diet. Something they would typically hunt for and eat in the wild. This includes small animals such as rats, birds, snakes, frogs, lizards and other similar types. You know you don’t have to hunt for them running around in your alleyways and the woods; hawks also eat dead animals.

So the next time your cat brings you a “special gift” from outside or you run into a few out-cold folks nearby, save it for the wild hawk and chuck it off to them. They’ll love the feast, and you’ll get rid of random critter corpses lying around. 

But don’t feed them rats that were killed by poisoning because that will inevitably risk the hawk’s health.

What Does Hawk Eat In The City?

Thanks, or no thanks, to the rapid increase in urbanization, hawks are forced to give up their habitat and move closer to us in the city. So what do they eat in the city you ask? A limited variety of the same stuff of course. Mice, rats, birds, lizards, frogs- pretty much anything they can swoosh down and scoop up with them. 

Sometimes they can be a little too ambitious and start attempting to pick up small breeds of dogs and cats, but there haven’t been any successful reports as of yet. 

What Do Hawks Eat As Pets?

Hawks, when kept as pets in captivity, you want to give them stuff they would otherwise capture in the wild. You want to make them feel like they earned it because they don’t like freebies. So give them the usual rats, mice, lizards, frogs, birds or crabs. 

You can also find captive-bred food that is available packed and ready-to-eat, like quails, rabbits and chicks. These meals are specially designed for the bird or animal you’ll feed and provide them with the essential nutrients. They are also portioned accordingly. 

What Do Baby Hawks Eat?

Baby hawks will eat the leftovers of their parents’ food since they can’t hunt for themselves just yet. They’ll also eat the food regurgitated by momma hawk. 

Baby hawks will eat lizards, rabbits, crabs, rats, mice, frogs, birds, and anything their parents will bring to them. 

What Does Hawk Eat In The Winter?

Opportunities for hunting and eating will become scarce in the winter as you can imagine. A hawk’s food of choice will migrate or hibernate. When this happens, hawks will resort to eating dead animals or the few animals that roam around in winter, like voles or some types of birds. 

How To Attract Hawks To Your Backyard?

If you’re thinking about attracting hawks to your backyard, think again. If you have small dogs or cats, you don’t want to do this. 

But if you don’t have any and live in a wooded area, you’re good to go. Hawks might help you keep the rat population under control as well, so there you go!

Hawks like to perch on tall trees with strong branches to prey and hunt efficiently. Spread out some nuts and seeds (not for the hawk, but for the rats, and squirrels that hawks will prey upon). You can also keep bird feeders because birds love gathering around them which means hawks have their chance at a bird buffet. 


I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed putting this together. What’s the takeaway you might be wondering? Well, hawks don’t like vegetables, now you have something in common with them. Hawks are beautiful birds of prey that are forced into cities day by day, so if you ever stumble upon one, you have this guide to help you with its dietary choices.


Should I Be Scared If A Hawk Stares At Me?

Not really. Hawks are just trying to figure out if you’re worth eating. As for the stare, it’s natural and not in any way meant to be threatening to you. 

How Many Times A Day Do Hawks Eat In The Wild?

It depends, hawks have a faster metabolism and will probably eat several times throughout the day. Usually, it’s 2 or 3 times if the hunt doesn’t need much effort and is substantial. More if the meals were smaller and they’re wasting more energy in hunting.

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Dylan Green – Author & Birding Expert

Dylan Green​

Dylan Green is our author, birding maestro, and walking encyclopedia of birds. We call him our vigilant hawk, who scans the sky, observes birds, and documents their behavior and characteristics. And above all, he is a magical storyteller. Let us warn you, Dylan has a contagious love of birds, and his thorough guides demonstrate his knowledge of them. You guys are going to love his blog posts.


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