Hummingbirds belong to the bird kingdom, but they are more like bees, mostly feeding on nectar from flowers. As they feed on nectar, these birds are attracted to all the flowers that have sweet nectar.
Now, discussing flowers, Marigolds are one of the most common flowers seen in gardens worldwide. But the question is, do hummingbirds like marigolds?
Marigolds don’t have sweet nectars like other flowers, so hummingbirds do not like them much. However, there are other reasons why hummingbirds are less fond of marigolds. In further discussion, you will get the details. Check them out.
Why Are Hummingbirds Not Particularly Drawn to Marigolds?

Hummingbirds are not attracted or drawn to Marigolds even though Marigolds are bright, nectar-producing flowers. Here are reasons why hummingbirds are not attracted to Marigolds:
- The sugar quantity in the nectar of Marigolds is quite low.
- Hummingbirds prefer tubular-shaped flowers, which Marigolds definitely do not.
- The nectar of Marigold flowers is not easily accessible by hummingbirds.
What Kind of Flowers Do Hummingbirds Like And Are Drawn To?
Hummingbirds are very picky when it comes to flowers. But why is that? You see, hummingbirds are physically built to feed on nectars. They have needle-like beaks that they can use to go deep inside a flower to suck up nectar. Hummingbirds are drawn to flowers that:
- Have nectar
- Have nectar high in sugar quantity
- Allows easy access to Nectar
- Produce a lot of nectar
- Tubular shaped
- Colorful and vibrant
Marigolds are beautiful flowers that brighten up any garden they are in. But that doesn’t mean they are good for hummingbirds.
Why Marigolds Might Still Be a Good Addition to a Hummingbird-Friendly Garden?
Marigolds are not just pleasant to look at. While they are not the go-to flowers for hummingbirds, they can be a good addition to a hummingbird-friendly garden.
Here are some benefits of keeping Marigolds:
- Marigolds are low maintenance. They are very easy to grow and also require less maintenance effort.
- They attract insects like bees and butterflies, which also consume nectar. So these insects consume Marigold’s nectar instead of the nectar that hummingbirds prefer.
- Some species of marigold can repel insects. So you can strategically place them around your garden.
- They are vibrant and aesthetically pleasing flowers that brighten and freshen up empty spaces magnificently.
Which Marigold Should You Choose?
You have the freedom to choose whichever species of Marigold you prefer. But for practical purposes, I’d recommend choosing the combination of a few species, some for their insect-attracting features and some for their aesthetic features.
So by strategically choosing a few different species of Marigold, you can get the most out of them and maximize their utilities.
How To Keep Marigold In Your Garden?
You can easily keep Marigolds in your garden by ensuring the following things:
Sunlight: Ensure 6-8 hours of sunlight daily, and always pick a sunny spot.
Soil: Marigolds thrive on well-drained soil. They don’t like water-clogged soil and are somewhat tolerant to droughts.
Watering: Always ensure that the soil is moist but not too moist. Always allow the soil to dry up a bit in between watering sessions.
Maintenance: Get rid of damaged or diseased parts or parts that are slowly dying.
What Flowers Do Hummingbirds Dislike?
Well, hummingbirds don’t hate any flowers particularly. But they do prefer some flowers over others. To give you an idea, here are some flowers hummingbirds are less attracted to:
- Geraniums
- Tulips
- Daffodils
- Impatiens
- Marigolds
Hummingbirds love a certain kind of flowers. Mainly those that produce a large amount of high sugar content nectar and those that are tubular shaped or have easy access to the nectar.
Hummingbirds are neither attracted nor repulsed by Marigolds. In fact, strategically placing Marigolds around your garden can actually make the garden more friendly for Hummingbirds. So don’t hesitate to pick up some marigolds!