Do Hummingbirds Poop: Know All the Facts!

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Hummingbirds are one of the smallest birds you can encounter in the wild. Besides their unique flying style, Hummingbirds’ diet is one thing that separates them from other birds. 

They love feeding on Nectar. But the surprising thing about nectar is that it is a sugary liquid containing 8-50% sugar. So, you might think, as they only drink, what do they discharge? In other words, do hummingbirds poop? 

The answer is hummingbirds discharge feces like other birds. The only difference is the consistency and color. However, this answer doesn’t tell enough. No worries! We have discussed the hummingbird’s fecal matter in detail throughout the article. Keep scrolling to know.

Do Hummingbirds Poop?


Any living being that consumes food and has a digestive system needs to excrete the undigestible parts of their food. 

But now you may be wondering what does a digestive system mean? The digestive system comprises a few organs that take care of the whole digestion process. First, food is consumed by the being, and then it is sent to the stomach for digestion, and whatever undigestable bit that is left is excreted out.

For hummingbirds, whatever they eat, like nectar, plant matter, insects, etc, goes into their stomachs for digestion. After the digestion process ends, whatever is left is ejected. This is how Hummingbirds poop! 

What Does Hummingbird Poop Look and Smell Like?

In case you didn’t know, Hummingbirds’ fecal matter is proportional to their size. Which means they discharge in small portions. 

The color of their poop depends on their diet. Usually, if they eat mostly plant material, their poop will be light greenish. However, if they eat insects, their poop may have a brownish color to it as well. Since they feed mostly on nectar, their poop is usually less solid. 

The discharges of Hummingbirds don’t have any strong odor compared to the poops and droppings of other animals. Since they eat mostly plant material, their feces has a mild earthy smell. Again since they poop in such small quantities, the smell is barely noticeable.

How Do Hummingbirds Expel Waste?

When hummingbirds eat, their digestive system starts processing the food. And after all the nutrients and essential bits are absorbed, all the remaining materials are passed through their intestines, which are basically small tubes.

After the remaining material travel through their intestines, it reaches an organ called Cloaca. It is a small opening on the rear ends of the bird. 

In the cloaca, the indigestible material mixes with the urine or liquid waste, and it gets discharged! 

Where And How Often Do Hummingbirds Poop?

The hummingbirds are wild birds. So the only way to enjoy their presence is out in the wilderness. Also, hummingbirds have a very fast metabolism. As they mostly drink nectar, they discharge very fast. 

These birds also need to eat more often, like every 10 minutes during the daytime. As a result, they poop every 20 minutes. 

As these birds need to poop more often, they poop wherever and whenever necessary. 

What Are The Benefits of Hummingbird Poop?

Bird feces are always helpful for nature. Hummingbird poop is not any different. As they feed on different things, their fecal matters work as fertilizers, seed carriers, etc. Here are some amazing benefits hummingbird poop does for nature. 

  • Hummingbird feces help in pollination. 
  • Their poop also helps in dispersing seeds. 
  • Hummingbird poop also helps fertilize the soil where they fall.


Is Hummingbird Poop the Same as Their Pee?

Hummingbird poop is the same as their pee. Because, unlike us, birds don’t pee and poo separately. Birds instead excrete both poop and pee through one organ called the cloaca. In the cloaca, the poop and pee get mixed together and are excreted at once.

How Is Hummingbird Poop Different From Other Bird Poop?

Hummingbird poop is not that different from the poops of other birds. One difference is the size and quantity of the poops. Another difference is that hummingbird poop tends to be more runny and watery as they consume many liquids in their diets.

Do Hummingbirds Pee?

Hummingbirds pee like all other birds, but their pee is mixed with poop, so it’s not easily differentiable.

What Do Hummingbirds Eat?

Hummingbirds primarily eat plant material. Their main food in nature is nectar and sap. However, they also eat small seeds and pollen. They are also known to eat small insects like spiders and bugs.

Is Hummingbird Poop Harmful To Humans?

Hummingbird poop is not usually considered to be harmful to humans, it is best to avoid it. Any poop may have a countless number of parasites, germs, bacteria, etc. So always practice good hygiene!


Seemingly, the earlier discussions are detailed and absolute about the fecal matter and the digestive system of hummingbirds. These birds are amazing creatures and ambassadors of the beauty of nature. So, enjoy birdwatching and if possible make your backyard friendly for birds.

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Dylan Green – Author & Birding Expert

Dylan Green​

Dylan Green is our author, birding maestro, and walking encyclopedia of birds. We call him our vigilant hawk, who scans the sky, observes birds, and documents their behavior and characteristics. And above all, he is a magical storyteller. Let us warn you, Dylan has a contagious love of birds, and his thorough guides demonstrate his knowledge of them. You guys are going to love his blog posts.


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