Do Hummingbirds Recognize Humans?

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Hummingbirds are agile, active, and curious birds, and have one of the highest brain-to-body ratios. So, by frequent interactions, they can remember different creatures, plants, flowers, and places in detail. This makes us wonder sometimes.

So, can they recognize humans? I found this answer while setting up bird feeders. I noticed that sometimes hummingbirds get really close to me after some regular feedings. Particularly when I put out special feeders for them. So, I guess it is safe to say that they recognize me.

To answer this question better and to understand how hummingbirds think and recognize things, scientists are still conducting different experiments. Because finding out “Do hummingbirds recognize humans?” is fascinating, and it can also help us better care for them and their natural habitats. 

Do Hummingbirds Recognize Humans?

In my experience, hummingbirds do recognize humans, even for a long time, with whom they interact regularly. Most of the time, they start to fly around when they successfully recognize me. Hummingbirds also recognize the owner of a specific bird feeder. As a result, they often fly above the head of the feeder owner to make him fill up the feeder again.

Moreover, hummingbirds are also known for different styles of interaction with humans. As a bird feeder, I get to experience all of the interactions. They could simply convey different types of messages with their interactions. For example, they could fly above your head, roam in front of your face and back, and create a humm sound. 

How Do Hummingbirds Recognize Certain Humans?

Hummingbirds have some features that help them remember human faces and voice patterns. Let’s learn about them. 

Strong Memory Power

Hummingbirds have strong memory power. They could easily remember small details about humans, flowers, and specific places. In comparison to other birds, they can remember a ton of information. More so, they have a more developed brain than most birds.

Remembers The Environment

Along with people, they are known to remember their surroundings. Their memory can remember even small details of their natural environment. For example, they can remember flower color, its nectar refill time, and conditions. 

Human Threats

Hummingbirds live near human localities and often face threats. Many of us might try to catch them or harm their nests. This is why they have developed the ability to remember someone who tried to catch them or caused damage.

Feeder Stockers

Similar to other animals, hummingbirds tend to remember the person who stocks their feeder units. More so, they will remember the time the person came to refill. In case the feeder unit is left empty for a longer time, hummingbirds will follow and fly around the person.

Strong Auditory Senses

Thanks to the sharp auditory senses of hummingbirds, they can recognize the voices of different people. For example, they clearly recognize the voice pattern of the feeder stockers. They can even sense the emotion in human voices as well. 

Do Hummingbirds Interact With Humans?

After my bird feeding experience, I can certainly say that hummingbirds do interact with humans. They are friendlier towards people who refill their feeder units. Once they recognize someone, they will use different methods to interact. The most common way is to fly around the person continuously. 

In some cases, they might create their signature humm noise to show excitement. Their favorite way of interacting is flying in front of a human face. Meanwhile, they keep a safe distance while hovering around the face area. 

Why Hummingbirds Hover Over Your Face?

There are some interesting causes when it comes to hummingbirds hovering on your face. Let’s learn about it. 

Curious Minds

Like other birds, hummingbirds are also curious. They like to interact with the person they love. Their curious minds always want to interact with human beings. But at the same time, they will fly away from the person who tries to catch them. This is why I won’t recommend you try on catching any hummingbirds or their eggs.


In case you are a feeder stocker but you forgot to refill, hummingbirds will start to hover over your face. They will also create a humming sound to make you remember the feeder unit. Unless you refill, they will keep on following you. 

Do Hummingbirds Make Human Friends?

Hummingbirds do make human friends with regular interactions. I have got the chance to build friendships with several hummingbirds. The best part, I only had to keep on feeding the hummingbirds daily. 

For the first few days, they might feel a bit intimidated. But over time, the hummingbirds will start getting familiar with you. At some point, they will start recognizing your face as well. Some of them might sit on your palm or shoulder to relax around. 

Can You Touch A Hummingbird?

Even though you can touch a hummingbird, there’s a certain law available on it. Moreover, you will also find out certain laws about handling hummingbirds, their nests, and eggs. Depending on your location or state, the law can change a bit.

I will recommend that before you go on touching a hummingbird, make sure to review your local laws. However, setting up a feeder and attracting them, and having interaction is totally fine. 

How To Gain Hummingbird Trust?

Let’s go on to a brief explanation of how to gain the trust of a hummingbird. These are the tips that helped me a lot.

Plant Many Feeders 

hummingbird flying towards a feeder

The best strategy to gain friendship with a hummingbird is to plant many feeders around your house. Keep a minimum distance from each feeder. Make sure the feeder is in red because the hummingbirds love the color red. I have tried some other colors as well, which don’t attract hummingbirds at all.

Keep Rotating The Feeders

You should rotate the stock among the feeders. That’s how the hummingbird will get familiar with your house. And it will help you become friends with Hummingbirds and gain their trust faster.  


Let’s wrap up the in-depth article on do hummingbirds recognize humans. Well, now you know the answer, it’s certainly possible. They started recognizing me after I got regular feeding from them. I often stand 10 meters away and watch them eat from the feeder. 

In my experience, hummingbirds are friendly and curious by nature. They love to interact with humans when they recognize them. The interaction looks so adorable that it is worth looking out for. I always loved the time I spent with hummingbirds. It’s a stress reliever as well.

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Dylan Green – Author & Birding Expert

Dylan Green​

Dylan Green is our author, birding maestro, and walking encyclopedia of birds. We call him our vigilant hawk, who scans the sky, observes birds, and documents their behavior and characteristics. And above all, he is a magical storyteller. Let us warn you, Dylan has a contagious love of birds, and his thorough guides demonstrate his knowledge of them. You guys are going to love his blog posts.


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