Do Hummingbirds Return To The Same Place Every Year

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Undoubtedly, hummingbirds are the most fascinating and the rarest visitors to your backyard and garden. If you happen to see them in your garden, consider yourself lucky. 

You may be surprised to know that these creatures travel thousands of miles every year just to visit their favorite places.

Although many people have questions in mind, do hummingbirds return to the same place every year? Is it real or just a myth?

To answer this question let’s learn more about their unique behavior and what makes them go back to the same place every year.

Do Hummingbirds Return To The Same Place Every Year?

In short, the answer is “Yes”. 

Hummingbirds show an astonishing behavior called “Site Fidelity”. This behavior is what makes them visit the same place every year. They don’t only visit the general area but also the exact same place where they found food sources last time.

It is believed that this behavior is linked to their migration patterns. These tiny creatures follow the same route during the migration and the trait is passed down to generations. Even newborns can follow the same pattern due to their genetics. This helps them find safe places where they can build their nest and also find food sources when there is disaster or climate change. 

Why Do Hummingbirds Return To The Same Place Every Year?

Hummingbirds have incredible memory and navigational skills, which let them find the exact location in the same year easily, which not many species are capable of. These expert navigational skills help them survive in harsh climates.

But why do hummingbirds return to the same place every year? Let’s learn more:


Just like us humans, hummingbirds also like to visit the places they are most familiar with. Despite their frequent travel nature, they like to comfort themself where they find the most peace and food sources hence revisiting the same spot every year.

This sense­ of familiarity offers a secure have­n for these tiny wonde­rs. 

These super-smart creatures possess incredible memory power which allows them to navigate through miles upon miles without any complexity. They will revisit those places where they found abundant food supplies and safety. This behavior is similar to us, like the way we visit our favorite coffee shops and parks frequently.


hummingbirds flying towards flower

Hummingbirds have a very high metabolism which allows them to eat almost half of their body’s amount of food. They are incredibly energetic and can fly hours upon hours without any issues. 

To maintain their stamina, they need to keep eating; hence they tend to frequently visit places where food is abundant. Their exceptional memory is truly remarkable when finding a food source. 

If you have a garden full of nectar-rich flowers, insects, and spiders, chances are these feathered friends will come to visit your place every year.


Comfort is something that everyone desires, and so do the hummingbirds!

These tiny little creatures love places where they are free from predators, harsh weather conditions, and human disturbances.

If you have a backyard full of lush trees or dense shrubs, which makes the perfect ambiance for them to live in. Also, during their nesting times, female birds consider the places they are most familiar with and have quick access to food sources nearby. 

Migration Patterns

Hummingbirds follow the same migration patterns every year as they pass through generations. This behavior helps them recall the known places for their feeding and nesting. They will continuously visit the same place annually.

How Do Hummingbirds Navigate The Same Route Year After Year?

Hummingbirds navigate the route using several methods, let’s learn some of them:

Celestial Navigation

Hummingbirds possess extraordinary skills called celestial navigation. They can travel thousands of miles just depending on star patterns or other celestial bodies.

They have exceptional eyesight, which they use to recognize landmarks from very high. With these skills, they can travel without relying on other folks. Also, these creatures like to travel alone and don’t need help from others to find a safe spot.

Landmark Recognition

Hummingbirds are very good at recognizing landmarks, another crucial trait they possess. As they fly through the sky they memorize notable geographical features like mountains, seas, rivers, forests, etc. 

These memories serve as a built-in map, so they can recall specific geographical features and use them to journey through countries.

Magnetic Field Orientation

In addition to relying on the Earth’s magnetic field during migration, hummingbirds possess the remarkable skill of being able to sense and navigate using these fields. This enhances their already impressive ability for finding their way. It is believed that hummingbirds have magnetoreceptors, specialized cells that can detect the Earth’s magnetic field. 

These receptors enable them to perceive even subtle fluctuations in magnetic strength and direction. As a result, these remarkable creatures can navigate with precision over vast distances by utilizing the Earth’s magnetic field as a point of reference.


Hummingbirds employ a range of navigation methods, among which their exceptional memory plays a crucial role in ensuring a successful migration. 

These small avian creatures possess an extraordinary ability to remember specific geographical features, landmarks, and migration routes. 

During their migratory flights, hummingbirds rely on their exceptional vision to identify and memorize significant sights such as mountains, rivers, and coastlines. 

By creating mental maps of their desired journeys through the utilization of their memory, they are able to traverse great distances with remarkable precision.   

How Do Hummingbirds Migrate?

Hummingbirds captivate us with their remarkable migration behaviors. 

Despite their small size, these captivating creatures embark on incredible journeys. They migrate twice a year between their breeding sites in North America and their wintering grounds in Central America or Mexico, primarily driven by the quest for diverse food sources, such as nectar from flowers. 

Hummingbirds undertake these voyages individually instead of in flocks – a behavior uncommon among many bird species. Interestingly, Each bird possesses a distinct navigational pattern that it consistently follows from one year to the next.


Where Do Hummingbirds Migrate To?

Hummingbirds migrate to different places but mostly large numbers will head towards North America. During the winter they move to the south and most commonly to Central America and Mexico.

How Long Do Hummingbirds Migrate?

Hummingbirds can travel vast distances during their migrations. This mostly depends on the species and migration patterns. Some of them can travel up to 500 miles and continuously fly between 18 to 22 hours to reach their destinations.

When Do Hummingbirds Start Their Migration?

Hummingbirds usually start their migration at the end of February. They can detect the differences in daylight length that trigger the urge to migrate. People would start to notice hummingbirds in various places during March. 

Do Hummingbirds Migrate Alone?

Yes, hummingbirds migrate­ alone. Genetically they are solitary travelers and even newborns don’t rely on their parents. They like to be independent and make their own way during migration.


The migration of hummingbirds is truly awe-inspiring, serving as a perfect demonstration of how nature showcases the remarkable flexibility and adaptability possessed by these species. 

Throughout their journey, hummingbirds encounter numerous obstacles, including adverse weather conditions and potential predators. Nevertheless, despite these challenges, they persist in their migration due to their inherent instinct to survive and propagate.

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Dylan Green – Author & Birding Expert

Dylan Green​

Dylan Green is our author, birding maestro, and walking encyclopedia of birds. We call him our vigilant hawk, who scans the sky, observes birds, and documents their behavior and characteristics. And above all, he is a magical storyteller. Let us warn you, Dylan has a contagious love of birds, and his thorough guides demonstrate his knowledge of them. You guys are going to love his blog posts.


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