Do Hummingbirds Sleep Upside Down

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You might be wondering why hummingbirds sleep upside down like a bat. It’s nature’s most amazing phenomenon that most of us find mysterious. This behavior is linked to some scientific facts that you will uncover here today!

So, let’s deep dive into these tiny birds’ weird sleeping habits and why they sleep upside down!

Do Hummingbirds Sleep Upside Down?

Well, hummingbirds indeed sleep upside down. Their tiny feet are designed to hold a strong grip on the branch and lock securely while they are sleeping. This actually helps them from falling down while sleeping.

During sleep, hummingbirds enter into a state known as Torpor. This allows them to slow down their metabolism, heartbeat, and respiration rate to preserve emergencies when there is a shortage or during extreme weather conditions.

What Is Torpor?

Torpor is also known as hibernation, a state that puts hummingbirds to conserve body heat and energy. It’s like controlling their inner body function through sleep or for us humans it is like meditation. 

Torpor helps them survive in extreme conditions when supplies are limited and they have a long journey.

This unique lifestyle sets them apart from other species, and they can continue to travel vast distances with minimum food. 

Why Do Hummingbirds Sleep Upside Down? 

Hummingbirds sleep upside down due to a state called Torpor. This helps them preserve energy to use in later days. Let’s learn why hummingbirds sleep upside down:

For Maintaining Body Temperature

colorful hummingbird  flying

Being such a tiny bird, hummingbird eats almost half of its body weight amount of food due to its extremely active lifestyle. This may sound crazy, but it’s something they do on a daily basis. 

They lose their body heat so quickly that they have adapted this upside-down sleeping habit to preserve their body heat during sleep. When they sleep upside down they don’t lose body heat as fast as they would if they sleep normally which helps them retain body temperature during chilly nights. 

For Collecting Survival Energy 

Hummingbirds have a very high metabolism which lets them burn energy faster than any other species. 

To retain body energy and heat, hummingbirds sleep upside down. This helps them slow down their metabolism and hence plays a crucial role in energy conservation and survival.

For Surviving Cold Nights

Hummingbirds’ bizarre sleeping styles help them survive the cold nights. They have a very high body temperature, and to maintain their internal heat they sleep upside down. 

This position also helps them prevent direct exposure to the surface area where cold air can easily access hence reducing heat loss. This act of sleeping is what keeps them alive and travel miles upon miles without the need for an abundant food source.

Where Do Hummingbirds Sleep?

Hummingbirds have distinct nesting and roosting habits, and when it comes to sleeping places, they are very choosy! They prefer to sleep in the places they are most familiar with or feel safe. 

  • Tree branches: Tree branches are the most common preferred location when it comes to sleeping. They will snug themselves upside down on a tree branch for a good night’s sleep.
  • Thick foliage: Hummingbirds find comfort in places like bushes or a bunch of leaves. They will hide themselves in a thick foliage during nighttime to be safe from predators. Thick foliage gives them a natural shelter hence they can sleep worry-free from potential threats.
  • Nesting sites: Another preferred sleeping location is their nesting sites. Usually, these nests are built by female hummingbirds during their mating season where they can protect their newborns and relax.
  • Man-made structures: Hummingbirds do find comfort in living in man-made structures. They have been noticed to live under the roof, clotheslines, or wires. Although, this particular behavior is not common in all hummingbird species.

When Does Hummingbird Go To Sleep?

Hummingbirds have a strict sleeping routine, they would begin to find a safe spot for sleeping before the sun sets. 

Usually, they would first go to dense forests or shielded areas that are isolated from humans and predators. But sometimes, they would just sleep in urban buildings.

They often prefer places where they find the most comfort or reach out of threats. 

When Does A Hummingbird Wake Up From Sleep? 

As humans, hummingbirds also wake up with the first daylight. As early as they wake up, they begin their busy day hunting for food. Throughout the day, they waste no time and feed themselves as much as possible up until the sun sets. 

Hummingbirds have a unique habit which leads them to keep visiting the same places. Once they find a consistent food source, they will remain in that place and find a nearby safe spot for resting at night.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Hummingbirds Die Upside Down?

Hummingbirds do sleep upside down, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they die in this state. There have been no known reports that hummingbirds died hanging upside down. This is a common misconception that many people find fascinating. Although, during Torpor their body temperature goes down up to 50%, which resembles death.

Do Hummingbirds Sleep In Birdhouses?

Usually, no! Hummingbirds prefer to sleep in tree branches or their nests. They are not like other bird species that would live in a birdhouse. But sometimes, in rare cases, they might find shelter in birdhouses due to harsh weather conditions.

Where Do Hummingbirds Sleep When It Rains?

Hummingbirds find dense shrubs or trees to protect them from rain. Sometimes, they may go to places where the area is protected or well-covered.

Where Do Hummingbirds Sleep When It’s Cold?

During cold, hummingbirds find warm spots on trees and sleep upside down in a state known as Torpor to preserve body heat. This helps them survive during the cold night as they lose body heat very fast.

Where Do Hummingbirds Sleep During Migration?

During migration, they find a nearby safe spot to rest at night. Usually, they would sleep on a branch or twigs.


Hummingbirds have a unique way of living and their lifestyle is truly remarkable. They travel long distances during the season and sleep upside down to preserve body heat. They can fly nonstop for up to 18 – 20 hours to visit their favorite places every year

During harsh weather conditions, we can create a safe place for them to live and provide them with food which can assist in their survival.

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Dylan Green – Author & Birding Expert

Dylan Green​

Dylan Green is our author, birding maestro, and walking encyclopedia of birds. We call him our vigilant hawk, who scans the sky, observes birds, and documents their behavior and characteristics. And above all, he is a magical storyteller. Let us warn you, Dylan has a contagious love of birds, and his thorough guides demonstrate his knowledge of them. You guys are going to love his blog posts.


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