Eagle Vs Falcon: Explore the Differences Between These Two Birds

Table of Contents

Eagles and falcons are well-known birds of prey. They’ve got similar features, such as long wings and sharp beaks. But when you pay close attention, you can spot differences between these birds.

One difference is Eagles are pretty huge because they have big wings and are built heavier, but falcons are small and light because their wings are narrower. And another difference is their hunting techniques Eagles are pretty awesome at snagging bigger animals, while falcons are total pros at nabbing the smaller ones.

If you want to know more about them, this article is for you. We’re going to talk about the difference between eagles and falcons. Keep rolling to know more.

Comparison Table Of An Eagle & A Falcon

We have given some comparisons between eagles and falcons in the following table.

No. of species6040
Size36-43 inches6-24 inches
Height40cm to 100cm25cm to 60cm
Weight8 Kg1.5 Kg
Wingspan9 feet 4 inches2 feet 4 feet
Wings ShapeWide and roundedLong and pointed
Speed (appr.)150-250kmph300-390kmph
Activity PatternDiurnalDiurnal
Eyesight6-8 compared to humans4-7 compared to humans
Color of EyesBlack or dark brown eyes colorHave different eyes colors
Preyssnakes, mammals, and fishsmall birds, bats, and rabbits
TemperamentAggressiveNot Aggressive

Primary Differences Between An Eagle & A Falcon

These are differences that make eagles and falcons apart from each other. Such as:


Eagle Vs Falcon

Eagles and falcons are totally different in size. Also, both birds have sexual dimorphism, meaning the female birds are usually bigger than the male birds.

However, the size of the birds can differ depending on the type, like the Philippine Eagle and the Harpy Eagle. These eagles can get over three feet long, have a wingspan of up to six feet, and weigh at least ten to twelve pounds. Pretty impressive, right?

Moreover, the Stellar’s Sea-Eagle has a crazy wingspan that can reach up to eight feet, weighing 11 to 22 pounds. And The Bald Eagle and the Golden Eagle are both about 30 inches long, with wingspans that can be over 6 feet. They weigh anywhere from 6 to 15 pounds.

On the other hand, the falcons are smaller than the Eagles. Therefore, the Gyrfalcon is like the biggest falcon ever. It’s about 22 inches long, has a wingspan of 47 inches, and weighs around two pounds.

Even though the Peregrine Falcon is pretty big, it’s still not as excellent as any eagle. They grow about 13 to 23 inches long, with wings that stretch from 29 to 47 inches, and it weighs around 1.5 pounds. The Kestrel is like one of those small falcons. It’s about the same size as a Blue Jay.


Eagles and Falcons are both fast flyers, but they got different speed levels.

Falcons are the fastest birds in the bird world. Some falcon species can zoom through the sky at about 50 miles per hour. 

And when they dive, they can reach up to 200 miles per hour! During a dive, a Peregrine Falcon can go up to 242 miles per hour. That’s, like, the fastest speed ever recorded for a bird.

The Eagles are not as speedy as the Falcons. Bald Eagles and Golden Eagles can fly 35 to 40 miles per hour and dive to catch food at, like, up to 100 miles per hour.

There are these eagles like the Harpy Eagle and the Philippine Eagle. They can fly through thick forests at 40 to 50 miles per hour.

Beaks & Talons

Eagles and falcons have different features in their beaks and talons that help them hunt for their food.

Eagles have long, curved beaks that are perfect for tearing up flesh, chowing down on dead animals, and snatching live prey. And their strong and sharp talons, usually four on each foot, help them hunt, catch, and grab onto their prey.

Conversely, Falcons have these super sharp beaks that help them swoop in and strike with crazy speed and precision. And they have talons that are way thinner and sharper than eagles. So they can snatch up their prey real quick. They go straight for the neck or any other vulnerable spot to take down their prey in a flash.


Both eagles and falcons have way better eyesight than most people. Their keen eyesight is crucial for them to hunt and stay alive.

Eagles have eyesight that is 4 to 8 times better than humans. So they can spot a rabbit from 2 miles away, which helps them see all the little details and spot their next meal easily.

Also, their eyesight stays crystal clear even when they’re up in the air! It’s all thanks to their super strong eye muscles adjusting to stay focused.

Other than that, falcons have really good eyesight. Their eyes are usually black or super dark brown. And flacons have two foveae in their eyes that help them see better and keep an eye on their prey when they’re chasing it fast.

Physical Defenses

Eagles and falcons have amazing physical defenses, which help them to their survival and hunting prowess. Even though they have some things in common, each bird has its way of hunting its prey.

Both eagles and falcons have strong wings, which is a big part of their defense. These wings help the birds fly to great heights and travel long distances as they hunt for food. And their wings are designed for endurance and speed, enabling agile maneuvers such as sharp turns, rapid dives, and swift adjustments in flight patterns. This maneuverability helps the birds navigate their prey successfully.

These birds use their feathers as an important part of their physical defense. These feathers help to keep them warm and safe. They keep the birds warm in colder areas and at high altitudes because they are good insulators. The feathers also help the birds blend in with their surroundings and hide from their food and enemies. 

Even though the eagle is bigger, its physical defenses are not just based on size. Eagles often have to deal with predators that are much bigger than them. Instead, both rely mostly on their speed and their ability to spot and react to situations that could be dangerous quickly.

Combat Skills of an Eagle and a Falcon

Eagles and falcons are well-known for their combat skills. Even though their fighting skills are similar, both birds have special skills.


Eagles are super good at hunting and flying. They sneak up on their prey using camouflage and surprise attacks. They wait for the perfect moment to pounce. When they think it’s the right time, they snatch their prey fast with their killer claws and super speed.

Besides their sneaky ambush techniques, these birds have super long and wide wings that let them zoom through the sky quickly and pull off some wicked sharp turns. Eagles can totally outmaneuver their prey by zooming in with their speed and agility and snatching them up.


Falcons are all about aerial moves and snatching up their prey. These cool birds are famous for their super-fast dives, called “stoops,” where they drop from way up high onto their prey with a tonne of speed and accuracy.

Other than that, falcons also have this cool hunting technique called “caching” or “plucking.” When falcons snag their grub mid-air, they go to a safe place, such as a high perch or a tree branch. 

So, they’re careful when they cut their food into little pieces and pluck all the feathers off before chowing down. This strategy makes it so scavengers won’t chow down on their catch and makes it easier for falcons to munch on their prey while keeping threats to a minimum.

Who Would Win in a Fight Between an Eagle and a Falcon?

That is an interesting question! When the Eagles and Falcons encounter, Falcons got a better shot at winning. Eagles don’t have fancy teeth on their beaks like falcons do, which is what makes falcons easy to take down anyone with their teeth.

But, when you see an eagle fighting with its talons, it will most likely come out on top because of its sharp talon and beak.

Overall the winning depends on the whole situation they are in. 

What Animals Can Defeat an Eagle?

Eagles are the top predators, so they don’t have to worry about getting chomped on by other animals. But, like, it wouldn’t be true if we said no animal can beat them.

Some animals, like wolves, can possibly take down an eagle.

Wolves can be a real danger to eagles. These animals are super strong; they can bite an eagle’s skin with just one chomp on the neck.


So now you know the differences between eagle vs. falcon from this article. 

We have put together every difference between them, such as their size, wing span, speed, beak form, aggressiveness, and how they hunt; the more you watch, the easier it can help you recognize them quickly next time. 

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Dylan Green – Author & Birding Expert

Dylan Green​

Dylan Green is our author, birding maestro, and walking encyclopedia of birds. We call him our vigilant hawk, who scans the sky, observes birds, and documents their behavior and characteristics. And above all, he is a magical storyteller. Let us warn you, Dylan has a contagious love of birds, and his thorough guides demonstrate his knowledge of them. You guys are going to love his blog posts.


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