Top 11 Species Of Hawks In Alabama [Everything You Need to Know!]

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Have a certain kind of fascination towards the hawks? Or maybe just love exploring the world of this majestic bird of prey? 

Well, in that case, the Hawks in Alabama are the first place to look into. Particularly known for its super-rich biodiversity – Alabama is home to a diverse range of hawk species, each of them having its own unique features and cunning prowess, enough to leave you all speechless.

That much charming and amazing they are!

11 Species Of Hawks In Alabama

1. Red-shouldered Hawk

red shouldered hawk

First off, we have the red-shouldered hawks. In a word, they are indeed the fashion icons of the Alabama skies. 

Coming with fiery red plumage on their shoulder areas, complemented by an amazing mixture of brown and white feathers – they are a true delight to watch!

Moving on to their personality traits, these hawks are real vocal performers who know how to fill in the air with their distinctive call, “kee-aah” or “kee-er.”

They are also highly skilled hunters who can spot their prey from quite a distance. All credit goes to their sharp talons and keen eyesight. 

From rodents on the ground to the small birds flying – there is hardly anything that can escape their watchful gaze. No wonder they are called the hunt masters!

Now, for the fun fact, you will be shocked to know that they are family-oriented and are greatly known for their strong family bonds. 

This is something that you can see during their breeding season when they are found displaying a heartwarming courtship. Be it locking the talons mid-air or maybe just performing graceful acrobatics – it is a beautiful sight you definitely would not want to miss! 

Length: 16.9 to 24.0 inches (43 – 61 cm)

Weight: 17.1 to 27.3 ounces (486 – 774 gm)

Wingspan: 37.0 to 43.7 inches (94 – 111 cm)

2. Red-Tailed Hawk

red tailed hawk

Next up, we have the red-tailed hawk. They are another enchanting species that you will find flying them through the open skies of Alabama. 

Featuring vibrant brick red tails and striking plumage – these hawks are an incredible species that is sure to take your breath away, even for a second!

Plus, they really know how to hover effortlessly with their broad wings spread apart. If you find them perching high on a tree or pole, you will see them carefully observe their surrounding areas. This is where you will find them planning how to have a good meal.

Whether be it snakes, reptiles, or squirrels, they love to try a variety of food items – making them opportunistic diners!


Length: 17.7 to 22.1 inches (45 -56 cm)

Weight: 24.3 to 45.9 ounces (690 – 1300 gm)

Wingspan: 44.9 to 52.4 inches (114 – 133 cm)


Length: 19.7 to 25.6 inches (50 – 65 cm)

Weight: 31.8 to 51.5 ounces (900 – 1460 gm)

Wingspan: 44.9 to 52.4 inches (114 – 133 cm)

3. Cooper’s Hawk

Cooper’s hawk

Cooper’s hawks are one of the most cunning hawk species that is always on a mission to catch their next prey. No wonder they are called the experts!

With their slate-gray back and finely striped breasts, they come with the best possible camouflage to remain in hidden states. This makes the hunting process much easier and simpler!

They love to feed on other small birds and are extremely fond of their families. From showing affection to their potential mates to caring for their hatchlings – they really know how to fulfill their duties. And, in case of any attacks, they get all aggressive, bringing out their most violent version.


Length: 14.6 to 15.3 inches (37 -39 cm)

Weight: 7.8 to 14.5 ounces (220 – 410 gm)

Wingspan: 24.4 to 35.4 inches (62 – 90 cm)


Length: 16.5 to 17.7 inches (42 – 45 cm)

Weight: 11.6 to 24.0 ounces (330 – 680 gm)

Wingspan: 29.5 to 35.4 inches (75 – 90 cm)

4. Sharp-Shinned Hawk

Sharp Shinned Hawk

Sharp-shinned hawk may seem like small raptors, but in reality, they are one of the most fierce and formidable hunters who knows very well how to take on bigger prey in comparison to them. 

In other words, they are like those stealthy ninjas of the space who tend to surprise their feathered prey every time on the hunt – without sparing any chance to escape. Thanks to their razor-like leg talons and lightning-fast strikes, they have made these impossible things possible.

They are mostly found in areas where there are ample trees as their number one preference is a dense forest landscape. It’s something they love and is a part of their habitat. 

Last but not least, they are highly devoted parents who raise their children right from birth till they become top-notch predators.

Length: 9.4 to 13.4 inches (24 – 34 cm)

Weight: 3.1 to 7.7 ounces (87 – 218 gm)

Wingspan: 16.9 to 22.1 inches (43 – 56 cm)

5. Swainson’s Hawk

Swainson’s hawk is another magnificent creature who knows how to catch your eyes with their elegance and grandeur. 

They are mostly popular for being the adventure ones. And why not! From traveling as far south as Argentina to making their way all the way down to Alabama, they have a wanderlust that doesn’t seem to stop.

Another special trait of these species is that they have a really refined taste in terms of foods, from insects to rodents, small mammals – the list goes on.

Moreover, they love trying out different kinds of foods, and during their migration, they are also known to feast on various fruits. Eventually, making them gourmets of the majestic bird worlds.

Length: 18.9 to 22.1 inches (48 – 56 cm)

Weight: 24.4 to 48.2 ounces (693 – 1367 gm)

6. Northern Harrier

Northern Harrier

Northern harrier is one of the graceful acrobat hawk species who have their unique, charismatic style when it comes to hunting down their prey. 

Instead of using the traditional high-speed dives, they are more likely to hover low over the fields and scan the whole ground space just like some pro detectives searching for clues while solving a mysterious case. 

Besides, they even have a superb hearing sense that plays a significant role in picking up the faintest sounds made by the prey. 

These hawk species are also quite the expert at pulling off surprise parties. For instance, the voles, mice, and various small birds. 

Plus, whenever they fly, they tend to form a V shape, with their body sizes ranging between a goose and a crow. 

For the females, they come with a soothing blend of brown and creamy whites while the male species have a dashing white underpart and a grey upper part. Talk about being classy in design and patterns!

Length: 18.1 to 19.7 inches (46 -50 cm)

Weight: 10.6 to 26.5 ounces (300 – 750 gm)

Wingspan: 40.2 to 46.5 inches (102 – 118 cm)

7. Broad-Winged Hawk

Broad Winged Hawk

Here comes the broad-winged hawk species. They are like the bomber which is well-known for its compact body, broad wings, and silent flight.

These hawk species are indeed one of a kind when it comes to flying from here and there. The adults tend to have reddish-brown plumage on their upper parts with the bottom areas being pale in color – making them super easy to spot them. 

They love to fly high above the sky while diving straight towards the ground surface at the time of landing. Moving on to their diets, they are quite foodie and usually feed on frogs, young turtles, snakes, small mammals, etc.

Length: 13.4 to 17.3 inches (34 – 44 cm)

Weight: 9.3 to 19.8 ounces (265 – 560 gm)

Wingspan: 31 to 39.4 inches (81 – 100 cm)

8. Rough-Legged Hawk

Rough Legged Hawk

If you are looking for a cozy and furry-coated hawk, then rough-legged hawks are the ultimate one. In fact, they are named rough-legged hawks due to having feathers all the way down to their toes. 

It is one of the unique traits of these hawks owing to which they can remain all warm, no matter how chilly the weather gets. Talk about being a true life savior!

Another noteworthy feature of these hawk species is they are much bigger in size compared to other species. And for the coloration, it usually ranges between dark and brown shades. 

Voles, lemmings, ground squirrels, mice, small rodents, and various small mammals are some of the primary foods that these hawks feed on.

Length: 18.5 to 20.5 inches (47 – 52 cm)

Weight: 25.2 to 49.4 ounces (715 – 1400 gm)

Wingspan: 52.0 to 54.3 inches (132 – 138 cm)

9. Ferruginous Hawk

Ferruginous Hawk

Ferruginous hawks are one of the golden species that you will not find flying around much above the skies. So, if you get a glimpse of them, consider yourself lucky!

They come with long wings and large heads with body coloration varying from dark to light morphs with noticeable bright white underparts. 

One of the remarkable features of these hawk species is their soft side. They can be one hell of dedicated parents who will put their heart and soul into building and ensuring the safest and coziest abode for their little ones.

Moving on to their diet charts, they mostly feed on small mammals. However, you can also find them feeding on cottontail rabbits, squirrels, and other similar animals. 

Length: 22.1 to 27.2 inches (56 – 69 cm)

Weight: 34.5 to 73.2 ounces (977 – 2074 gm)

Wingspan: 52.4 to 55.9 inches (133 – 142 cm)

10. Northern Goshawk

Northern Goshawk

Northern Goshawk is one of the largest and fiercest hawk species that you ever hard come across. They are the avian daredevils who really know how to conquer their space with an unparalleled level of expertise.

From stalking their prey with perfect precision and lighting speed – they only strike when the time is just perfect. It’s like they have got a doctorate degree in fooling their prey. No wonder they are so popular as the master ambush predator!

For food, they have quite an appetite and are found feeding on various kinds of small mammals, insects, reptiles, and birds. 

Last but not least, both the male and female species take their family matters pretty seriously and work together to raise their little ones.

Length: 20.9 to 25.2 inches (53 – 64 cm)

Weight: 22.3 to 48.1 ounces (631 – 1364 gm)

Wingspan: 40.5 to 46.1 inches (103 – 117 cm)

11. Short-Tailed Hawk

Short Tailed Hawk

As the name goes by, short-tailed hawks come with shorter tails in comparison to the other hawk species. However, don’t let that get you, as they are true acrobats who know how to fly gracefully in the open wide skies.

Another remarkable feature of these bird species is certainly their varied color morphs. From having a striking black plumage to a unique blend of warm browns – they are found in several colorations. 

They mostly love to eat small-sized birds, occasionally feeding on various kinds of lizards, tree frogs, insects, rodents, snakes, etc.

Length: 15 to 17 inches (38 – 43 cm)

Weight: 0.8 to 1.1 lb (362 – 500 gm) 

Wrapping Up

There you have it – the top eleven species of hawks in Alabama. 

Each of them is truly amazing and has its own elegance and boldness that can be seen as they fly gracefully in the skies with their wide wings apart. 

Plus, these hawk species play quite a big role in controlling the populations of various rodents and small animals, acting like the guardians of the entire ecosystem.

So, the next time you visit the great outdoors of Alabama, make sure to keep an eye on the skies. Who knows, you might just get a glimpse of these marvelous creatures of nature!

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Dylan Green – Author & Birding Expert

Dylan Green​

Dylan Green is our author, birding maestro, and walking encyclopedia of birds. We call him our vigilant hawk, who scans the sky, observes birds, and documents their behavior and characteristics. And above all, he is a magical storyteller. Let us warn you, Dylan has a contagious love of birds, and his thorough guides demonstrate his knowledge of them. You guys are going to love his blog posts.


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