How To Get Hummingbirds Out Of Garage

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Hummingbirds snuck in your garage? Don’t panic, and please don’t start smacking around with a broom; you might hurt the little guy. I have a guide just for you showing how to get hummingbirds out of garage in a few safe and easy techniques. Let’s get started!

Why Does a Hummingbird Come To a Human Garage? 

Hummingbirds are tiny, so tiny that you barely notice them fluttering around and about. So when one does fly into your garage, you may not even acknowledge it at first. But what is it that’s luring hummingbirds into your garage? What is it in there that interests them so much?

hummingbird trying to get food from flower
  • Shelter: These little birds might be cozying up in your garage for shelter. Usually, hummingbirds will flock to your garage when it’s rainy or windy outside.
  • Reflection: Hummingbirds, like many birds, are attracted to shiny things (that makes two of us!). And your garage is home to many shiny things like car mirrors, doors, and windows, which easily catch the bird’s eye and lead them right into your garage.
  • Feeder: Some people hang hummingbird feeders in their garages, filling them with sugar water for hummingbirds to feed on. If you’re one of them, the feeder will easily attract hummingbirds to the garage.
  • Nectar: If your garage has any flower plants in your garage or in the driveway, that might also attract the little birdies in your space.
  • Insects: Now this is a major reason why hummingbirds can’t get enough of your garage. Garages are home to critters like small spiders, ants, and mosquitoes which hummingbirds like to snack on.

What To Do If A Hummingbird Is Hurt?

Gently scoop the bird out of the floor in a soft towel or cloth, then put it in a box and give it some food and water. If it is wounded, clean any blood or debris near the wound using a clean washcloth and warm water. Contact a professional or if possible, take it to the nearest veterinarian for proper treatment.

How to Get Hummingbirds Out of Garage

Listen, when a hummingbird first entered our garage, I didn’t even notice it for like 3 whole days! One evening I flicked the lights on, and there it was flying around in circles, frantically. I felt so bad for it and made it my mission to get him out safely, and I did!

Today I’ll share my tricks and some more helpful tips, so you can get any hummingbird out of your garage, easily and safely. 

Open The Garage Doors And Windows

This one’s the easiest and the most instinctual thing to do, open up all your garage doors and windows to try to get the bird out on its own. This lets the light in and allows the bird to see properly where to leave, of course, keep the environment calm while you’re doing so, or you’ll scare it. 

Clear All Frightening Objects From Garage To Calm The Bird

What are frightening objects you ask? Anything that makes loud noises, is sharp, or is cluttering the space. This will calm down the bird and clear out the way for the bird to fly out easily. 

Create A Dark Environment

Turn off all the lights, create a dark space, and try to reduce the noise, this will calm the bird and allow it to look for exits on its own. You can use a flashlight to track the bird’s movement in the meantime. 

Keep Kids and Pets Away

This is a no-brainer. While my dog did help me acknowledge the hummingbird, her barking also created a stressful situation for both me and the bird. So keep your pets and children (who may also make noise or be in the way) away while you’re making a safe exit for the bird. 

Use A Red Object or Bird Feeder To Find The Exit 

hummingbird on a bird feeder

This is the one that worked for me! Chances are, the hummingbird probably got in looking at a shiny object or for food in the garage in the first place. The trick is to hang the feeder, if you don’t have that, near the entrance/exit and wait for the bird to get out. This takes patience, so prepare to wait for some time to catch the bird’s attention. I waited for 10-15 minutes. 

Using A Rake or Pool Net Can Also Help

This trick is to be used with utmost gentleness and patience. You don’t want to hurt the bird, so all you’ll do is gently guide the bird toward the exit. Don’t pull or thrash the tool around. The key word is gentle.

Help The Bird When It Drops To The Ground

If you notice the bird dropping to the ground, which is common, approach it calmly. It may be exhausted, scared, or hurt. Then gently scoop it up in a soft towel and put it in an airy container with some sugar water or pieces of fruit. Then contact a wildlife expert or animal control to find out what you can do to safely release the bird. 

Contact a Professional If Nothing Works

The best thing you can do is contact a professional if you’re unable to get the bird out of your garage. Contact local animal control or wildlife hotlines to get proper guidance, or they’ll come and pick up the bird themselves to release it safely. 

Keep Your Garage Door Shut In The Future

Sometimes advice that sounds pretty mindless like “if you’re scared to ski, don’t ski at all” comes in handy. To avoid messing with hummingbirds, risking both your and the bird’s safety, keep your garage shut in the future.  


I hope this guide is helpful for you to figure out some quick solutions if a hummingbird sneaks into your garage someday, or if they’re in there right now. In that case, get to work right away! Check your garage every day and night to see if the little ones got in, the last thing you want is for them to be stuck in there for days. Be patient and remember, be very gentle. 

How To Get A Hummingbird Out Of Garage?

Getting a hummingbird out of the garage is easier than you think. A few things you can do are, opening garage doors and windows, clearing the space of any noisy or sharp things, turning lights off and making it dark, placing a red object or feeders near the exit (which works best), using a pool net, contacting an expert and most importantly, keeping the garage closed in the future to avoid such issues.  


 Why Do Hummingbirds Fly So Close To You?

Ans: Hummingbirds fly close to you because they’re just curious! Thanks to their amazing flying abilities, they can swoosh in and out of your face before you even realize they were there!

How Fast Do Hummingbirds Flap Their Wings?

 Ans: Hummingbirds fly close to you because they’re just curious! Thanks to their amazing flying abilities, they can swoosh in and out of your face before you even realize they were there!

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Dylan Green – Author & Birding Expert

Dylan Green​

Dylan Green is our author, birding maestro, and walking encyclopedia of birds. We call him our vigilant hawk, who scans the sky, observes birds, and documents their behavior and characteristics. And above all, he is a magical storyteller. Let us warn you, Dylan has a contagious love of birds, and his thorough guides demonstrate his knowledge of them. You guys are going to love his blog posts.


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