What Do Eagles Eat? Insights into Their Feeding Habits

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Eagles demand respect. Seeing them soaring high above, occasionally swooping down to pick up unsuspecting and helpless prey, is quite the feat.

This display of strength and power leaves no doubt about who dominates the food chain. But, what fuels these mighty raptors and makes them the king of the skies?

This cunning bird has a diverse diet that powers their intelligence and precision while keeping them super adaptable, enabling them to navigate a habitat that is harsh and unforgiving.

Let’s explore their versatile diet to understand what helps them play that crucial part in the ecosystem they belong to.

What Do Eagles Eat?

eagles eating their food

Eagles are carnivores – meaning they are meat eaters. Across the different species of eagles, they eat a variety of things. For example, the incredible bald eagle’s diet consists mainly of large freshwater fish, as they live in northern American territories.

But it doesn’t stop there. These hungry animals will also eat small mammals, such as rabbits in the grasslands, and even smaller birds if they are hungry enough. Catching fish, after all, can be a little trickier.

Of course, other species, such as the harpy eagle, will eat small lizards or mammals like sloths. Any mammal of a small to medium size is generally a prime target for these carnivores.

Due to the harsh environment they deal with, they are forced to be opportunist eaters. They won’t say no to carrion, and will often end up eating roadkill or carcasses of any dead animal. These Apex predators can also be quite the bullies, stealing prey hunted by other birds like Osprey.

Do Eagles Eat Other Birds?

In short, yes, eagles do eat other birds. Eagles do not hunt other eagles because of obvious dangers, but smaller birds such as seabirds or ducks, are included in their diet.

The eagle can’t be fussy, especially if it has young eaglets to feed.

Crows and herons can also make eagles lick their hungry lips (if they could lick their lips), making this predator feared by many other species of animals. Everyone should be on the lookout.

Do Eagles Eat Deer?

We might not like to think of deer as prey, the sweet creatures they are (who doesn’t love Bambi?!), but on occasion, it has been reported they can be prey to certain eagles.

Large deer may be too much of a risk for even the biggest of eagles, so baby or smaller deer are usually seen as a more capable meal. It does all come down to the type of eagle though.

The large golden eagle is more likely to go for deer due to its size and ferocity than a smaller eagle. And even though I said large deer aren’t targets, there have been reports of golden eagles attacking large deer.

So I guess if they’re hungry enough, there’s nothing the eagle won’t try to eat. Let’s hope humans aren’t next.

Why Do Eagles Not Drink Water?

Water is the one thing that most animals need, including us. But do eagles need water? The “wild” is a hard place, and constantly having to hunt can be tiring for eagles. So, finding a drink on top of that would be a real pain.

Luckily, whenever an eagle eats, it absorbs the water it needs from its food, effectively ruling out the need to drink water. That’s a handy trick.

On occasion, if an eagle is bathing in freshwater it may drink a little, but most of the time, this is unnecessary. They get all the liquid they need from their food so that they can focus all their energy on that all important hunt.

What Do Bald Eagles Eat When They First Learn To Fly?

an eagle hunted a fish

Learning to fly and hunt can be a very hard task. In the comfort of the nest, the baby eagles are fed raw meat by their parents. But once their wings develop, they have to find their ways of hunting and feeding themselves. It can be very tough for these young eagles.

To begin with, they will target dead or rotting animals as this offers them much-needed sustenance to grow. Doesn’t sound very appetizing, I know, but for these birds to grow and get used to flying, they need to take every shortcut possible.

By feeding on dead animals, there is minimal effort in catching them but all the rewards of eating them. Whatever works for them, I guess.

How Many Pounds of Food Does a Bald Eagle Eat in a day/year? 

Considering the size of bald eagles, it’s probably no surprise they have to eat quite a lot of food. The average weight of an adult bald eagle comes in at around  10 lbs.

Going from this angle, it has been calculated a bald eagle will eat around 1 to 6 lbs of food per day. In a year this comes to between 219 and 365 lbs, which is a large amount of meat.

Eating that much meat a day surely isn’t good for humans, but for bald eagles, it is integral to their growth and survival.

Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed this in-depth outline of the eating habits of these beautiful predators. These large, striking species of eagles tend to eat a lot of meat and fish.

From first spreading their wings to raising their offspring, they have a demanding life. Considering how hard they work to survive, it’s no wonder they have to get their energy from a reliable source.

Being fast enough to catch their prey and protecting their territory from other eagles, is a daily battle for this fine species – so a nutritious diet is crucial to their survival. Their bodies are capable of absorbing everything that is needed from their food, from nutrition to water.

Land mammals, small birds, fish, all these creatures can become a meal for the magnificent eagle. When life is that hard for these predators, being fussy about their food is not an option.

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Dylan Green – Author & Birding Expert

Dylan Green​

Dylan Green is our author, birding maestro, and walking encyclopedia of birds. We call him our vigilant hawk, who scans the sky, observes birds, and documents their behavior and characteristics. And above all, he is a magical storyteller. Let us warn you, Dylan has a contagious love of birds, and his thorough guides demonstrate his knowledge of them. You guys are going to love his blog posts.


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