Where Do Hummingbirds Sleep When It Rains?

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You probably see hummingbirds in your backyard hovering around flowers, but have you ever wondered where do hummingbirds sleep when it rains? 

Hummingbirds are safe during mild rain, but when the rain intensity increases, they must find a shelter to protect them from rain.

In this blog, we will discuss the fascinating habit of hummingbirds’ sleeping places and how they find shelter when it’s raining. 

Is Rain Threatening For Hummingbirds? 


Rain can be threatening for not only hummingbirds but all other bird species. Unlike most of the birds, hummingbirds don’t have waterproof feathers.

This flow leads them to get wet easily and lose body heat. As rainwater hits their feathers, they start to significantly drop body temperature making it difficult for them to maintain energy and stay active.

When it rains, you will see hummingbirds start to disappear from their feeding spots. But almost all the time, they skillfully manage to find a safe spot to protect them from rain.

One common place they use to take shelter is thick foliage, such as trees or shrubs, where they can hide and protect themselves from downpours. The leaves provide them with a natural canopy, which helps directly reach the raindrop to hummingbirds.

What Do Hummingbirds Do In Rain?

Hummingbirds have a surprising adaptability when it rains. They can fly and eat in wind and rain unless the weather condition is too bad. When it rains, they will prick their feather to remove any dirt or parasite and smooth down the rough patches. 

During the rain, hummingbirds will adjust their flight pattern and hover more horizontally and tail position to increase the surface area that is exposed to rain. Despite having challenging conditions, they are quite capable of flying in the rain. This is due to their unique flying strategy, unlike many birds who would flap their wings.

When bad weather hits, hummingbirds will hunker down as tightly as possible in a safe place they can find. They go into deep sleep and stop all the activity until the weather conditions get better.

Hummingbirds are very charming and active; they have developed unique skills to survive in harsh weather conditions. Their ability to withstand challenging conditions is truly remarkable.

How Rain Affects Hummingbirds Flight?

Rain can significantly affect hummingbirds’ flight. Having a tiny, fragile body, hummingbirds are quite strong compared to other birds. But when the rain is in their feather, it becomes wet, hence making it difficult for them to fly. The rainwater can significantly increase their overall body weight, which can make it harder for them to stay in the air. 

As the rainwater enters into their feathers, it also disturbs the delicate balance and structure of their feathers. The intricate design of hummingbirds’ wings allows them to have a unique flight pattern, but when the feathers become wet, it can affect their shape and hinder their hovering abilities.

Additionally, raindrops can affect the airflow around their wings, which can cause disbalance and decrease performance. The rapid movement in the air is essential for their survival.

Moreover, to prevent any damage and conserve energy, they will hide in a shelter and put themselves in Torpor, a state where they go to hibernation to save energy.

Where Do Hummingbirds Sleep When It Rains?

Hummingbirds are remarkably tough creatures that can survive in various weather conditions. When it rains, hummingbirds will often look for shelter in trees or shrubs hiding beneath the thick foliage. They will hold strongly onto the thin branch with their tiny feet for several hours.

When it rains severely, hummingbirds will take refuge in thick leaves or even nearby human-made infrastructure.

Hummingbirds has a unique body type, they can lose body temperature pretty fast. When they are not flying they will enter into Torpor to lower the metabolism rate and reduce other body functions to survive.

Despite their tiny size, they have developed remarkable unique strategies to cope with the rain. 

What Hummingbirds Do During Storms And Hurricanes? 

During storms and hurricanes, hummingbirds face even more difficulties and challenges in order to survive. These extreme weather conditions can disturb their natural habitat and pose a great threat to their physical well-being.

In response to storms and hurricanes, hummingbirds start to increase food intake to save energy throughout the calamities. This is because they may not have food for several days or are very limited. To sustain for a longer period of time, they will eat as much as possible, up to 50% of their body weight.

However, storms and hurricanes can be dangerous for these tiny creatures. If the wind is too strong, they can be blown off course or get a severe injury. Hard objects or gusts can displace their nest and cause disasters to their young, leaving them exposed and vulnerable.

In some cases, hummingbirds may choose to migrate ahead of a storm to a safe place. They have a strong sense of wind and are aware of the bad weather conditions ahead of time.

Do Hummingbirds Enjoy The Rainy Season?

Just like many other creatures, they too enjoy the rainy seasons. While mild rain doesn’t cause any issues, severe rain can make it challenging for them to find food and shelter.

During the rainy season, plants and flowers thrive, leading to an abundance of nectar and insects that hummingbirds can feed on. This means when it rains, the food supply for them also exponentially increases. This mutually benefits both the hummingbirds and the environment. 

Additionally, rain can also keep the environment calm and chill, which will make hummingbirds fly worry-free without the distress of heat. After rain, the moisture in the air nourishes hummingbirds’ feathers and leads to a more comfortable flight.

However, excessive rain for longer periods of time can negatively affect their natural habitat, they may find it difficult to keep the nest and shelter. Overall, hummingbirds have a mix of love and hate relationships with rain, and while it may provide an advantage, they, too, cause potential threats.


Hummingbirds have a unique way of dealing with rain and extreme weather. They are very particular when selecting shelter during rain and find a safe place to protect them from raindrops and predators. 

This remarkable way of living is truly astonishing and there is a lot to learn from them. So next time when it’s raining, you see a hummingbird hovering around your backyard, you know they are looking for shelter.

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Dylan Green – Author & Birding Expert

Dylan Green​

Dylan Green is our author, birding maestro, and walking encyclopedia of birds. We call him our vigilant hawk, who scans the sky, observes birds, and documents their behavior and characteristics. And above all, he is a magical storyteller. Let us warn you, Dylan has a contagious love of birds, and his thorough guides demonstrate his knowledge of them. You guys are going to love his blog posts.


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