Have you ever walked through the woodland and heard bursts of rapid, resonant tapping from the trees? If you have been in this kind of situation, you should not be afraid because chances are that the sound you are hearing is coming from woodpeckers.
Woodpeckers, as their name implies, have a habit of repeatedly hammering their beaks against hard tree trunks. Yet, sometimes they choose to do the same thing on metal surfaces, such as your chimney cap, satellite dish, and TV antenna.
The question now is: Why do woodpeckers peck on metal? Let’s find out.
Why Do Woodpeckers Peck?

Unlike other birds that choose the singing approach to communicating with their fellow feathered friends, woodpeckers prefer the pecking approach. Every time they want to send signals to each other, they will make this “drumming” noise by consistently tapping a hard surface using their beaks.
The unique thing about this habit is that each woodpecker variant will have a different pecking tempo and rhythm. A male great spotted woodpecker, for example, can peck a surface as fast as 40 times per second. The females usually peck a little bit more slowly.
Aside from communication purposes, woodpeckers also peck for other reasons, such as finding food and making a nest. Yes, they don’t gather leaves and branches to make their homes. Instead, they make a hole where they reside and lay their eggs.
Where Do Woodpeckers Peck?
Naturally, woodpeckers peck on trees, specifically on the trunk part of a dry, dead tree, but they usually don’t peck on healthy trees. However, since many parts of our homes are also made of timber, they could peck on these components as well.
It’s also common for these birds to peck on metal objects. For this reason, if you have a lot of metal objects outside of your home, you have a good chance of being a victim of these birds.
Reports from homeowners show that woodpeckers will peck on anything from metal poles and home signs to drain pipes and TV antennas. The pecking may become more frequent during their mating season, which is around early spring.
Why Do Woodpeckers Peck on Metal?
The main reason behind woodpeckers’ tendency to peck on metal surfaces is actually pretty simple: they make louder noises than wooden objects. Try tapping an aluminum frame to hear how it sounds compared to a hardwood frame. The metal one will be considerably louder.
These loud noises allow these birds to easily send signals to more birds and at a further distance. Other than that, here are other possible explanations for why woodpeckers peck on metal objects.
To Alert Predators
The strange noises made by these birds should deter some of their predators. Bobcats, coyotes, and eagles are some of the animals that feed on woodpeckers. Lucky for the birds, these predators get annoyed by the pecking sound.
For Attracting Mate
Male woodpeckers will also drum on metal objects to attract potential mates. The rhythm for this mating call will vary. Usually, it starts slowly and gets gradually faster. Any female woodpecker who is also in the mood for mating then replies with her own drumming.
Gathering Food
Woodpeckers will also peck on certain metal objects because they detect the sound of insects living in them. Ants, crickets, and beetles are some of the woodpeckers’ favorite foods, and sometimes they live within the metal objects around a house.
To Make Offspring Home
As mentioned earlier, woodpeckers have a natural habit of excavating tree trunks to make a home. Interestingly, many smaller animals also rely on the holes made by these birds to find safety from their predators.
Can Woodpeckers Damage Metal?
The good news is that it’s actually very hard for woodpeckers to make holes in metal surfaces. Their beaks are not hard and strong enough to penetrate these objects, especially the thicker ones.
Ways to Prevent Woodpeckers Pecking Metal
The best way to stop these birds from pecking at things around your house is by placing objects that move and make sounds around your property. Shiny and reflective objects are also believed to deter them. However, you should avoid using chemicals because woodpeckers don’t have a well-developed sense of smell or taste.
Their pecking habit is one of the things about woodpeckers that fascinates many people. However, even the most enthusiastic bird lovers will probably cringe when they start to peck at metal objects near a residential area and make annoyingly loud noises.
So why do woodpeckers peck on metal? As I have explained above, these birds do this for a reason. It can be for mating, feeding, or territory-marking purposes. Luckily, you can follow the tips mentioned in this article to keep them at bay.